May 28, 2008
So many people have tried to define love.
Often it means different things to different people.
Everyone admits they need it.
It seems to be an emotion; a feeling on bonding between people.
But does it occur in a snap?
There are certain ingredients which it contains; upon which it is built.
Without them, love will not be found.
People need to be respected, listened to , forgiven, taught and their needs must be met.
If such aspects are missed love does not emerge.
How often people look at their spouse and think that at that moment, they really hate them. Then at a future time see another aspect of their personality and feel a deep loving feeling towards them.
No one loves somebody all the time.
Human beings are very complicated and can experience so many emotions at the same time. There are also many sides to our personalities.
Yet relationships are often based on this abstract emotion called 'love' and when it disappears the relationship often dissolves.
Perhaps if we wait a little and be patient we will see another side of the person which is more acceptable and to our liking.
We can learn to 'love' that part of the person and try to ignore the other parts.
People are not disposable.
Love, Bee
(Im Waiting for U...) 9:15:00 PM
May 19, 2008
From those around I hear a Cry,
A muffled sob, a Hopeless sigh,
I hear their footsteps leaving slow,
And then I know my soul must Fly!
A chilly wind begins to blow,
Within my soul, from Head to Toe,
And then, Last Breath escapes my lips,
It's Time to leave. And I must Go!
So, it is True (But it's too Late)
They said: Each soul has its Given Date,
When it must leave its body's core,
And meet with its Eternal Fate.
Oh mark the words that I do say,
Who knows? Tomorrow could be your Day,
At last, it comes to Heaven or Hell
Decide which now, Do NOT delay!
Come on my brothers let us pray
Decide which now, Do NOT delay!
Oh God! Oh God! I cannot see!
My eyes are Blind! Am I still Me
Or has my soul been led astray,
And forced to pay a Priceless Fee
Alas to Dust we all return,
Some shall rejoice, while others burn,
If only I knew that before
The line grew short, and came my Turn!
And now, as beneath the sod They lay me (with my record flawed),
They cry, not knowing I cry worse,
For, they go home, I face my God!
Oh mark the words that I do say,
Who knows, Tomorrow could be your Day,
At last, it comes to Heaven or Hell
Decide which now, Do NOT delay !
Come on my brothers let's pray
Decide which now, do not delay ....
From:Ahmed Bukhatir...
beautiful and meaningful lyric....
(Im Waiting for U...) 10:38:00 PM
Untuk wanita, 30 larangan
>1. Menyambung rambut palsu
>2. Bertatu, mencabut bulu wajah dan mengikir gigi
>3. Keluar rumah dengan memakai minyak wangi
>4. Memperlihatkan perhiasan(bersolek) di depan lalaki lain
>5. Menolak panggilan suami untuk tidur bersama
>6. Membuka rahsia hubungan suami isteri
>7. Berpuasa sunat tanpa izin suami
>8. Membelanjakan harta suami, tanpa izin suami
>9. Derhaka kepada suami
>10. Meminta cerai tanpa sebab yang jelas
>11. Mengingkari kebaikan suami
>12. Bersama lelaki lain yang bukan mahram
>13. Memandang lelaki yang bukan mahramnya
>14. Bersalaman dengan lelaki bukan mahram
>15. Menyerupai lelaki
>16. Membuka rahsia wanita lain kepada suami
>17. Memandang aurat wanita lain
>18. Keluar rumah tanpa ada keperluan
>19. Masuk permandian awam
>20. Mencakar-cakar tubuh ketika dapat musibah
>21. Meratapi kematian
>22. Berhias atas meninggalnya seseorang
>23. Menghantar jenazah
>24. Mempercayai dukun dan peramal
>25. Menyumpah anak-anak sendiri
>26. Tidak bertegur sapa dengan sesama muslim
>27. Menganiaya pembantu
>28. Mengganggu jiran
>29. Minta cerai kerana suami sakit
>30. Minta cerai kerana suami menikah lagi
a forwarded message to share
(Im Waiting for U...) 10:12:00 PM
May 13, 2008
1. Unnecessary Talking Umar Ibn al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, said: "A person who talks too much is a person who often makes mistakes, and someone who often makes mistakes, often has wrong actions. The Fire has a priority over such a frequent sinner." 2. Unrestrained Glances It has been related that the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wassallum once said words to the effect: "The glance is a poisoned arrow of shaytan. Whoever lowers his gaze for Allah, He will bestow upon him a refreshing sweetness which he will find in his heart on the day that he meets Him."
3. Too Much Food Al-Miqdam ibn Ma'd Yakrib said:"I heard the Messenger of Allah say: "The son of Adam fills no vessel more displeasing to Allah than his stomach. A few morsels should be enough for him to preserve his strength. If he must fill it, then he should allow a third for his food, a third for his drink and leave a third empty for easy breathing." 4. Keeping Bad Company Allah's Apostle said: "The example of a good companion (who sits with you) in comparison with a bad one, is I like that of the musk seller and the blacksmith's bellows (or furnace); from the first you would either buy musk or enjoy its good smell while the bellows would either burn your clothes or your house, or you get a bad nasty smell thereof."
Extract from the book "Purification of the Soul" By Ibn ul Qayyum al Jawziyya, Imam Abul Hameed al Ghazali and Ibn Rajab al Hanbali
(Im Waiting for U...) 6:06:00 PM
May 11, 2008
Alhamdulillah ...praises only for Allah...
i was exhausted yesterday...phew!..
my parents held a birthdae party for my bro's 21 bdae. it wasnt really a party though but its more like a family gathering. As usual..i did a lot of work!!!...coz a lot of things need to be prepared. pagi-pagi lagi abg ku telah pergi ke johore just to buy wat u noe...crite ayat-ayat cinta!!!! BAGUS BANGEET DEY CERITANYA..!woohoo...then we watched 2gather with the rest of the family. My clans come ard 6 plus...kecohness strike hahaha...but had lots of maklum dh lame tk jumpe.we spent time 2gather eat2 n they went home....coincidently my abg sedare's bdae also falls celebrate skali.'s r the pics taken yesterdae....n njoy..~!
(Im Waiting for U...) 5:16:00 PM

(Im Waiting for U...) 5:08:00 PM

mother's dae cake!!! happy mother's dae to all mothers!!

(Im Waiting for U...) 3:35:00 PM
my mum n me made this cake...isnt it beautiful? of course!!
nurul & irzirah.....with bhai
cut the cake baby Aryal!
i had lots of fun yesterday.....celebrating my bro's bdae ...
(Im Waiting for U...) 3:18:00 PM
May 10, 2008
THE SON OF A wealthy man was about to graduate from university. He knew his father could well afford it, so he pointed out the sports car that he wanted to his father. On the day of his graduation, he was awaiting the present of the sports car with eagerness. His father came up to him and presented him with… a copy of the Holy Qur’aan. "Read this, my son," he said. "It will be your guide in life." The youngster felt bitter tears coursing down his cheeks. Of his sports car there was no sign. He stormed out of the house and did not see his father again for years. Then one day he was told that his father was on his deathbed. The errant son returned home too late to see his father. He wandered around the house, filled with grief. He came across the Qur’aan his father had given him. As he lifted it an envelope pasted inside fell out. In it was a set of keys for the sports car he had wanted and a note reading: Enjoy your gift. HOW MANY TIMES do we miss Allah Ta’ala’s bounties because it is not packaged as we want and wish?????
(Im Waiting for U...) 1:38:00 AM
May 9, 2008
During CDP lesson juz now, Mr Ismadi showed us a attracts me somehow n i like to share it with u...
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26A=1, B=2 n so on....
The word tt makes 100% is ATTITUDE....
hence have a right attitude...
(Im Waiting for U...) 12:13:00 AM
May 8, 2008
Mahmud was a very pious man,but he was not very attractive looking. One day he was minding his own business,when a lady came up to him,and started calling him names and abusing him. This lady kept on saying all kinds of nasty things and Mahmud just listened to her patiently,Finally,when she was finished calling him names and abusing him, Mahmud just greeted her,smiled and said a "nice day to you." and continued on his way. Why did Mahmud,the pious man behave this way?????It is because he knew that everything she said was just a reflection of her own inner self. If you use bad language,you are just making it obvious to everybody how far away you really are from Allah...Since your words are in reality a reflection of your own inner self.
Love Bee
(Im Waiting for U...) 11:39:00 PM
It is narrated in a hadith that the Devil ties three knots in a person’s hair when he goes to sleep. When the person awakens and remembers Allah Ta’ala one knot is opened.
When he makes wudhu another is opened.
When he prays salaah then all the knots are opened and the person becomes cheerful, in high spirits and energetic.
If not, then he begins in a bad mood, sluggish and lazy. .................
BENEFITS The highest proportion of ozone gas (03) in the atmosphere is at dawn.
It then fades away and goes by sunrise.
This gas has a beneficial effect on the nervous system as it revives the brain and energizes the muscles.
GOOD BUSINESS The time after Fajr prayer is full of goodness.
The Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) said: "O Allah bless my Ummah in its early rising!" and whenever he dispatched an expedition or army he sent them early at the beginning of the day. Those who make good use of this time have blessing in business.
LAZY Shaytaan urinates in the ear of one who misses Fajr.
Failure to pray Fajr leads to a melancholic and depressive state of mind.
If you pray Fajr you will feel energetic and in good spirits.
Otherwise you will be in a despicable state, lazy.
[Narrated in a hadith] HOW TO GET UP Go to bed early as the Prophet (sallallaahu alaihi wasallam) used to discourage engaging in conversation after Ishaa.
There are exceptions like listening to the wise tales of pious people, talking to one's guest or bride, or members of one's family for the sake of company.
Love Bee...
(Im Waiting for U...) 11:24:00 PM
May 7, 2008
Friends are like balloons; once you let them go, you might not get them back. Sometimes we get so busy with our own lives and problems that we may not even notice that we've let them fly away. Sometimes we are so caught up in who's right and who's wrong that we forget what's right and wrong. Sometimes we just don't realize what real friendship means until it is too late. I don't want to let that happen so I'm gonna tie you to my heart so I never lose you.Love Bee (",)
(Im Waiting for U...) 8:31:00 PM
A sharp tongue can cut my own throat. If I want my dreams to come true, I mustn't oversleep. Of all the things I wear, my expression is the most important. The best vitamin for making friends..... B1 (Be one). The happiness of my life depends on the quality of my thoughts. The heaviest thing I can carry is a grudge. One thing I can give and still my word. I lie the loudest when I lie to myself. If I lack the courage to start, I have already finished. One thing I can't recycle is wasted time. Ideas won't work unless ' I ' do. My mind is like a functions only when open. The 10 commandments are not a multiple choice. The pursuit of happiness is the chase of a lifetime! It is never too late to become what I might have been. Think abt it...
Love from Bee
(Im Waiting for U...) 8:26:00 PM
O Allah the Almighty
Protect me and guide me
To your love and mercy
Ya Allah don’t deprive me
From beholding your beauty
O my Lord accept this plea
CHORUS: Hasbi rabbi jallallah
Ma fi qalbi ghayrullah
My Lord is enough for me,
Glory be to Allah
There is nothing in my heart
except Allah
CHORUS Hindi: Wo tanha kaun hai
Badshah wo kaun hai
Meherba wo kaun hai
Who is the only One?
Who is the King?
Who is the Merciful?
Kya unchi shan hai
Uskey sab nishan hai
Sab dilon ki jan hai
Who is the most praised and benevolent?
Whatever you see in this world is His sign
He’s the love of every soul
CHORUS Turkish:
Affeder gunahi
Alemin padisahi
Yureklerin penahi
He is the Forgiver of all sins
He is the King of the universe
He is the Refuge of all hearts
Isit Allah derdimi,
bu ahlarimi Rahmeyle,
bagisla gunahlarimi
Hayreyle hem aksam hem sabahlarimi
O Allah hear my sorrows and my sighs
Have mercy and pardon my sins
Bless my night and days
CHORUS Arabic:
Ya rabbal ‘alamin
Salli ‘ala Tahal amin
Fi kulli waqtin wa hin
O Lord of the worlds
Send peace and blessings
On Ta-ha the trustworthy
In every time and at every instant
Imla’ qalbi bil yaqin
Thabbitni ‘ala hadhad din
Waghfir li wal muslimin
Fill my heart with conviction
Make me steadfast on this Religion
And forgive me and all the believers
(Im Waiting for U...) 12:39:00 AM
May 6, 2008

arent they such a cutie!!?
(Im Waiting for U...) 11:08:00 PM
Todaes my bro's bdae...n i actually dedicate a birthdae message to the warna(radio channel) haha he's name is on air!!watever it is happy 21st bdae to bhai.....dah tua!! sch i've finally manage to had in my proj...that is building a a simple one i actually learnt some myanmar words...from Minthu hehekinda had to pronounce but we had load of fun pronouncing it right hanis....n yuqian...pongaley-cutebole ke camtu!!!
(Im Waiting for U...) 10:37:00 PM